
Globe Trotting with the Bummy Doll

The Bummy Doll
is Kidnapped!!!!

Mr. Ed implicated in heinous crime Mr. Ed

Mr. Ed

The Bummy Doll was enjoying the sights in Salida, Colorado, when all of a sudden, he was nabbed! The crazed equine captor proved to be none other than washed-out actor, Mr. Ed. Jealous of the doll's fame, the horse bit, kicked, and stomped on the Bummy Doll, and then kept him tied up behind the old corral. Fortunately, two well-dressed, local society girls paid the doll's ransom of a case of peanut butter and a cameo appearance on "Ally McBeal." The doll is recovering with his new-found heroines and is enjoying all the tea parties and cookies he can stand. [20 Feb 02]
(Nota bene: in the top two photographs, you see solid evidence that there are more horse's asses than horses)

 Mr. Ed




DC  Market

Hanging out in DC with Team Bega. "Why don't you ditch that Bega chump and be on Team Bummy?" "Okay, Bummy Doll, you're dreamy," say Sam and Sheba [11 Feb 02]


 Once you've gone bummy, you'll never go back! This young lady doesn't share the same views
as the Doll as to what would constitute a good evening's entertainment. The Bummy Doll will shortly be wearing that glass of wine. DC [11 Feb 02]

DC Girl



Note to Bummy Doll from Paul K

Ha ha! Bummy Doll, your tricks are up! As you can see, we in California don't NEED you anymore. I have cloned you from your puke stains left in Damon's bathroom and now I have DOZENS of Bummy Dolls! This army of clones has been trained to shoot Canadians on sight. You are no match for me, for I am Paul K, Grumpypants, and it is you who will pay. Mua ha ha ha!

Sincerely, Paul K.


Gamblin' Man
The Bummy Doll is pleased to have found some gambling buddies in his travels. [30 Jan 02]


Gun < "This is going to hurt me more than it'll hurt you." A deranged gun-wielding maniac must have gotten a hold of the Bummy Doll. Oops. [27 Jan 02]

 "Two girls for every Bummy." Montana's not that bad after all [27 Jan 02] >

Two Girls

Alleycatting in Saskatoon. I was the 3rd Place Prize. [10 Jan 02]


 My first "real" girlfriend. The hat was a previous bummy that mouthed off. [31 Dec 01]

 D Boone


 Kamaal's Moeder < Whenever I visit Ma Bummy Doll in Saskatchewan, she always gets me the quality beer. Ma had to move North to get away from Early Times whisky... [30 Dec 01]
 'Greetings from Saskatchewan!' The Bummy Doll has met the father and son team that holds down the fort at Uncle Charlie's Good Time Bar in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. He can't wait to karaoke the night away. [29 Dec 01] >  Bartenders

 Light Beer

< 'I said I wanted a light BEER!!!'
- the Bummy Doll [25 Dec 02]


looking schnappsy This unlikely duo poses the question, 'Who says blondes have more fun?'
Boston >






For a doll, he can certainly hold his liquor
(Alas, the same cannot be said for Donny). Glasgow \/

is he drinking budweiser?!

An Open Letter to the Kidnappers

(Mr. Votour was barking up the wrong tree, so as a favour to the muppet, we're making this letter public so the evil-doers -- whomever they may be, wherever they are -- can read)

well where is it?? you didnt send it to that osama friend of yours?? he allays spoke highly of you!! well the bega people are still in denial, lisa says we owe them, hmmm. oh and be careful of canadians! they might look like us, but dont be fooled; they are not us. it's good to see the doll has a damien omen rottweiler to defend it. buffalo bill says he knows who has it and is trying to extort me, damned island monkeys!! i ought to throw tea in the bay for that one, that would show them. so does that make scots highland gorillas?? i mean look at big al. i've shown quite a few people the letter and photo and an elite rescue team has already been dispatched, hear a knock at your door?? our people are everywhere... don't think you've heard the last of the bdla: the bummy doll liberation army. we're closing in. and for every roach, there's orkin, but we will torture the doll thieves with andrea dworkin. pretty cruel huh?? you've been warned.

your friend, damon commando#77
ps it must cold out there, heh heh


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©2002 all rights reserved, photo on bottom left ©2002 Damon Votour, all other photos ©2002 Ian McNulty.
Created and maintained by Angus McLeod, Upper Kilttown Graphics


©2002-8 all rights reserved. Created and maintained by Angus McLeod, Upper Kilttown Graphics
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